Wednesday, August 16, 2006

a light run

I couldn't help myself. I need to take my own advice & NO RUNNING!!!! Knee felt wonderful. That is until I had ran 3k. Then could feel that niggle. ARRRRGGHHH!!
Now have decided that no matter how great the thing feels I'm not going to do any running at all until Monday.
If it's no better then off to phyiso.

Anyway I ran 15min on t'mill then did 30min on the bike.
Later in the day I did a 20min workout on the cable machine
Tomorrow I'll do 1hr intervals on the bike. (boring!) but I'll do it. Gotta keep the fitness up.
Might even do the famous 1000m on the rower. Try beat my pb of 3:26.6

Bfast was a disaster! NO COFFEE!:(
Had 2 slices of toast & glass milk.
After workout had 3 apples
Lunch was a chicken & salad roll
Arvo snack was an organic oat bar & an ice coffee
Dinner had 3 chicken sausages 3 rolls & 3 glasses of pepsi

drank 3lt of water

Hope you all had a wonderful day


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